
A história guatemalteca até a metade século XX caracteriza-se pela intensa intervenção estadunidense, governos liberais e oligárquicos. Entre 1944 e 1954 ocorreu na Guatemala a Revolução de Outubro, que enfraqueceu a oligarquia cafeeira e o Estado Liberal. Sob o comando de Jacobo Arbenz Gusmán houve importantes reformas democráticas como o fim da servidão no campo e a reforma agrária. No entanto, o projeto popular de Arbenz foi derrotado em 26 julho de 1954 por um poder contra-revolucionário formado pela Igreja Católica, o empresariado e os militares com o apoio dos Estados Unidos. Sucessivos golpes de Estado ocorreram de 1958 a 1963. Foram formados, neste último período, o Movimento Revolucionário 13 de novembro, MR-13. Do descontentamento popular nasceram também, movimentos guerrilheiros como as Forças Armadas Rebeldes (FAR). Os grupos da frente guerrilheira foram perseguidos pelo Exército e os movimentos populares violentamente reprimidos. Os esquadrões da morte integrados por civis anticomunistas, membros do Partido Liberação Nacional, tiveram importante participação nos atos de terror contra a oposição. Em 1976, após um terremoto que deixou um saldo de mais de 30 mil mortos, teve início no país um novo despertar dos movimentos sociais. Ocorreram diversos eventos como a Marcha dos Mineiros de Ixtahuacán. Houve repressão e, no Massacre de Panzós, o Exército exterminou 102 camponeses. Uma nova tentativa de guerrilha ocorreu em 1979, formada pelo Exército Guerrilheiro dos Pobres (EGP) e a Organização Revolucionária do Povo em Armas (ORPA), que fizeram ofensivas contra o Exército mas foram reprimidos. O resultado foi a destruição de 600 aldeias indígenas e a morte de pelo menos 50 mil civis. Em 1982, houve nove golpe de Estado foi articulado. Em face da crise política, econômica e social, os militares convocaram eleições para Assembleia Constituinte, em 1984. Com isso, foram promulgadas leis eleitorais, criadas instituições democráticas e uma moderna Constituição. Nas eleições presidenciais de 1985 venceu o democrata cristão Vinicio Cerezo, líder civil e da oposição antes reprimida. (JINKINGS,2006)

Sítios de Memória da Guatemala:

34.915 respostas para “Guatemala”

  1. They’re in social media captions all over the web.
    Brevity is the key.
    Nanakorobi yaoki.
    Take a look.
    Napoleon Bonaparte could relate.
    That’s not what you expected, was it.
    This quote came from Wales, first appearing in an 1866 publication.
    Aphorisms can act as a guideline to help narrow the focus of your work.
    The term aphorism originates from late Latin aphorismus and Greek aphorismos.
    See the difference.
    The meaning.
    But Yoda isn’t having it.
    We’ve all probably had to learn that the hard way.
    He once stated, If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.
    The original saying was, Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.
    For example.

  2. He played the villain in the movie that famously stated.
    Like George Washington, Sandys believed that telling the truth is always the way to go.
    It’s easier to do it yourself rather than try to explain it to someone else.
    Now you might be asking.
    Aphorisms can act as a guideline to help narrow the focus of your work.
    How many times have you heard one of the following aphorism examples.
    We see this in literature all the time.
    It originally read, Count not they chickens that unhatched be…
    He played the villain in the movie that famously stated.
    Washington also said, It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.
    Yup, he was reminding Philadelphians that preventing fires is better than fighting them.
    Another memorable aphorism is, An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
    So my advice.
    Today, I’ll define aphorism and show you how these handy little sayings make your writing more memorable.
    Examples of Aphorism in Literature
    It originally read, Count not they chickens that unhatched be…

  3. Remember that.
    This is especially true if the excuse is a lie.
    It’s easier to do it yourself rather than try to explain it to someone else.
    But these days.
    For example.
    But not today.
    It’s a great saying, but it’s not something you’d necessarily repeat over the dinner table.
    Another success aphorism comes from Chris Grosser.
    But Yoda isn’t having it.
    This is especially true if the excuse is a lie.
    People often use this quote when discussing health, but Franklin was talking about fire safety.
    (I say these words to make me glad),
    Not only that, but you can use aphorisms in your writing to summarize your central theme.
    Too many times to count, right.
    The early bird gets the worm.
    Speaking of being safe, that’s another aphorism example that you’ve probably heard before.

  4. Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    George Washington is known for his wise sayings.
    Let me ask you.
    He once stated, If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.
    Not good.
    And get this.
    That’s why aphorisms, adages, and proverbs are synonyms for each other.
    Take this proverb, for example.
    Here’s a classic Japanese saying for you.
    It’s one of the most recognized aphoristic statements today.
    Yup, you guessed it.
    The complete quote was, A Jack of all trades and master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
    Another memorable aphorism is, An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
    Aphoristic statements also appear in everyday life, such as daily speeches made by politicians and leaders.
    The term aphorism originates from late Latin aphorismus and Greek aphorismos.
    We see this in literature all the time.

  5. We see this in literature all the time.
    Another success aphorism comes from Chris Grosser.
    Check it out.
    This aphorism is short and sweet, but it teaches us a valuable truth.
    That’s not what you expected, was it.
    Not good.
    Not only that, but you can use aphorisms in your writing to summarize your central theme.
    That’s why aphorisms, adages, and proverbs are synonyms for each other.
    Examples of Aphorism in Literature
    Speaking of being safe, that’s another aphorism example that you’ve probably heard before.
    He played the villain in the movie that famously stated.
    Life is too short to surround yourself with toxic people.
    One of his most notable is, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
    Not so much.
    Aphorisms can act as a guideline to help narrow the focus of your work.
    How do aphorisms differ from adages and proverbs.

  6. Proverbs, on the other hand, can be much longer than aphorisms and adages.
    The original dictum said, A penny spar’d is twice got, but it’s adapted over the years for modern English.
    Thomas Jefferson also mirrored this general idea when he said, I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.
    Yup, you guessed it.
    The complete quote was, A Jack of all trades and master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
    Today, calling someone a Jack of all trades is usually a jab because it implies that their knowledge is superficial.
    Then use it as a guideline to stay focused on your general theme.
    Curiosity killed the cat.
    20 Aphorism Examples
    It’s better safe than sorry, right.
    Luke’s having a tough time, and he’s discouraged.
    Honesty is the best policy.
    Want a few more.
    search bar with “what use aphorism.” written
    There must be a method to your madness.
    Practice what you preach.